Day 10: Water From a Rock

 Read: Exodus 17:1-7

 Exodus 17 | NIV Bible | YouVersion


What is your first reaction when troubles arise?  Even though the people of Israel had seen God’s hand moving on their behalf in miraculous ways time and time again, at the first sign of trouble, their immediate reaction was to complain about their problem instead of praying.

Now, it’s true that some problems can be solved by with careful thought and action, but some problems can only be solved by prayer. When you run out of water in the middle of a desert, well, that’s a prayer kind of problem.

When we worry and complain, we only serve to stress ourselves out even more as we focus on the problem itself. But when we pray, we set our focus on the One who is able to solve our problems.

Who would ever think of such a crazy solution to their problem?  Just hit this rock with a stick.  What kind of a solution is that?  But this is where the presence of the All-Powerful God comes and intervenes in a way none of us could ever have imagined.  Moses struck the rock, and water gushed forth.  And not just any water, but fresh, clean drinkable water. 

Sometimes I wonder if I could have been as confidently obedient as Moses was.  Would I have dared to hit the rock, in front of all those thirsty people, simply because I believed God had told me to do it?  I guess this is where our choice plays out. Do we whine and complain, stressing ourselves out even more, or do we pray, turning our eyes to the only One who both can and will help us? When we set our sights on God and begin to focus on Him, our perspective changes.  Suddenly, the massive problems that threatened to overwhelm us just moments before come into proper perspective.  The Creator and Master of the universe looms massively bigger and greater and stronger than any challenge that could possibly arise.

Where is your focus?  Are you staring down the problem before you and finding yourself in a swirling vortex of doubt and worry and complaining? Or are you looking up to the One who holds the answers?  Ask God to help you refocus.


Listen: CeCe Winans - Believe For It (Official Lyric Video) - YouTube



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