Day 12: Holy Encounters

Exodus 19-20

Exodus 19 | NIV Bible | YouVersion


Sometimes God chooses the desert seasons of our lives to call us out, set us apart, and meet with us, so that we are free from distraction, and our focus is singular.  If you’ve ever visited a desert, your focus becomes a laser beam: there is a single all-encompassing need: water.  Without it, you will die. The desert seasons of our lives can be like that as well. The spiritual dryness carries you to a place of singular focus: your desperate, all-consuming need for God. Have you ever been there, where you feel like if God doesn’t show up, you’ll just die; you’re so desperate for His manifest presence?

The Israelites set aside three days to prepare themselves to meet with God.  They needed to prepare themselves both physically as well as spiritually.  For three days, they turned away from their ordinary daily routines, and focused on preparing themselves to meet with a holy God.  They washed themselves and their clothes.  They turned away from sin.

I wonder what our worship would be like if we, like the Israelites prepared ourselves to meet with Him?  What if we laid out our clothes the night before? What if we got up extra early to read and meditate on Scripture? What if we got to church early and entered the sanctuary in awe and reverence, asking God to meet us there, to speak to us, and share with us His plans and purposes for us, just as He did for the people of Israel on Mount Sinai?  What if by the time the first worship song started, we were already in a place of worship and communion with God?

Listen: When We Seek You (Just to Know You) (Live) - YouTube


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