Day 6: Desert Time Is Not Wasted Time

 Read: Exodus 3

 Exodus 3 | NIV Bible | YouVersion

What a study in contrasts Moses’ life is!  He went, in a matter of moments, from living like a prince in the palace, with servants at his beck and call, enjoying all the best things that Egypt had to offer, to the life of a lowly shepherd, having to do everything for himself, and enduring the hardships of life in the desert.  Years passed.  I wonder if Moses gave up any ideas he may have had to be the great hero, to lead his people to freedom.  Maybe he thought that his sin had disqualified him from fulfilling the plans God had for him.

But God had not forgotten Moses, and He had not forgotten the Israelites!  He heard their cries of anguish as they suffered at the cruel hands of the Egyptian slave drivers.  And so, one day, Moses had a dramatic encounter with God in the form of a burning bush. Sometimes God chooses to speak to us through unexpected sources too.  Are we willing to turn aside and listen?

The time Moses spent in the desert wasn’t wasted time.  God had not forgotten Moses.  He had not cast him aside.  God used the desert years to prepare Moses for the task that lay ahead.  Little did he know it, but he would be leading the Israelites around in the desert for 40 years!  He learned the ways of the desert.  He learned to embrace the desolate places.  He learned to endure the hardship, the hunger and thirst.  He learned how to choose a path that was safe for his flocks.  He learned to be aware of the dangers that lurked in the barren wilderness.

Do you feel like you’ve been placed on the shelf?  Do you wonder how you ended up in the place in which you find yourself?  God has not forgotten you!  Perhaps this season in which you find yourself in a dry desert of life is in fact a time of preparation.  Will you allow God to shape and mold you, forming you into the man or woman that He can use?


Listen: Tauren Wells - God's Not Done With You (Official Music Video) - YouTube


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