Day 30: Ultimate Deliverance

Read:  Isaiah 32

Isaiah 32 | NIV Bible | YouVersion

Israel had suffered for so long.  They were desperate for a righteous king to come and restore their land, ruling with justice and goodness.  Into this atmosphere, God gave the prophet Isaiah a message of hope, a message that foretold their coming King, the Messiah.

Jesus would not be born for several hundred more years, but God reminded His people of their promised Messiah, and the hope that God would fulfill His promise to send them a Savior, a Rescuer who would rule and reign in righteousness.

We are on the other side of Jesus’ coming to earth.  Most of the people of Israel who were living when Jesus walked the earth failed to recognize Him as their promised Messiah.  We have the advantage of looking back and seeing how He fulfilled all the prophecies about the Messiah.  We see the whole story, the big picture.

Yet, life is still sometimes hard.  We still walk in dry and lonely desert places.  But we, like Israel, have a hope.  Jesus is coming again, and this time, when He comes, He will not be the suffering Messiah.  He will be the King coming to take His rightful place on the throne to rule in majesty and glory.  As you read this chapter filled with promises God showed Isaiah so many years ago, thank God that Jesus is coming soon!


Listen: What A Beautiful Name - Hillsong Worship - YouTube


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